Welcome to Clouds To Coral

Hello, my name is Rod Morris and I am going to share my passion for exploring everything from the clouds to coral. What does that encompass? A lot! I am always amazed at people who don’t seem to have passionate pursuits. My problem is I have too many. Family, children, skiing, cycling, sailing, soaring, motorcycling, kitesurfing, travelling, hiking, snorkeling, good food, investing, developing, learning and living life to the fullest.  Until recently, most of that has been from a land base, but in 2016 I sailed across the Caribbean from Grenada to Beaufort N.C., USA. Along the way I discovered the cruising community, the challenges  and joys of the cruising lifestyle, and saw firsthand what separates “Cruising” from “Chartering”. Out of that came a me-1realization that there is a better way to “Sample the Dream”.  I call that Shared Cost Cruising, it is a way for people who are considering, planning, or serious about going cruising,  to experience it first hand at an affordable cost. I wish I had found someone offering this service before I invested in my dream.

Also, I saw firsthand how sailors with decades of sailing experience and sailboat ownership, were unsettled by their first experience with open ocean sailing.  Even those who had far more training and experience than myself, were cautious and nervous about night sailing, overnight passages between Islands, or doing multi-day offshore passages. All of this got me thinking – there has to be a better way to get exposure to the cruising environment without breaking the bank, or your shattering your dreams. Out of that, “Clouds to Coral” and “Shared Cost Cruising” were conceived. I am looking forward to meeting and working with people that have a shared passion to explore the world by sailboat.

Posted in Blog.

One Comment

  1. Hi Rod
    My husband’s and myself are very interested in sailing with you on your catamaran in December from N.C. to the Caribbean. Please respond so that we can continue this dialogue.

    Lynn Klassen and Darryl Harris

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