Solo Passage Notes, Nassau to Annapolis – Part 2

Sunday June 2nd By morning the winds were down to 5-8 kts and forecast to go to zero around noon. As the seas quickly flattened out it became a perfect day for the sport fishing boats to come out from North Carolina. Oh! passed several dozen boats that had come out to fish for the […]

Solo Passage Notes, Nassau to Annapolis – Part 1

Monday May 27th, 2019 We had been waiting for over a week for Ted’s Swedish crew mate Josefin to get a US Visa processed. It was 9 am and she had just received notice it had arrived. Within a few minutes Stet and Oh! weighed anchors, departed our beautiful bay and headed to Nassau as […]

The yacht yard

Of all the boat yards I have been in with Oh!, there is nowhere that compares to the Bert Jabin Yacht Yard that Oh! is now hauled out at for the summer. This place is incredibly clean, welcoming and so peaceful. The travel lift at the yard could just barely fit Oh!. At one point […]