Guana Cay South

Our day started out as so many before. A paddle board or swim to the beach, some yoga, a beach walk, followed by breakfast of toast, home made yogurt, granola and fruit, with of course hazelnut coffee.

For the past week I have been sailing and slowly cruising the Exuma Islands in the company of Axel and Maike on Wanderlust. We met in the British Virgin Islands and have become quick friends. They are a wonderful couple, and we are enjoying exploring the islands as we isolate ourselves and our Bahamian hosts from spreading the coronavirus. What a fantastic way to stay safe and isolate. Axel loves to sail, and with their light performance cruising sailboat they can easily sail on and off anchors, and up narrow channels. So I have decided to do the same and for the past week, we have essentially sailed and cruised the islands almost entirely under only sail power. It has been a fabulous learning experience…and Oh! has performed far beyond my wildest expectations. I have only used the engines twice for a total of about 15 minutes.

Wanderlust, a Malango 9.9m performance cruiser and is an amazing boat. Even with her handicap of having to sail with her keel up she performs incredibly well. She is a very well though out performance cruiser.

Our destination was Guana Cay south, a beautiful cay that is also is an iguana refuge, just as Bitter Iguana Cay is. At the north end, Guana Cay South is separated from Bitter Iguana Cay by a high remnant sand dune that is bounded by two narrow tidal channels. The current through these channels is like a white water river, flowing over rocks and shoals as the water surges through the narrow openings. The setting is spectacular.

The middle of the beach is where the Iguanas like to bask in the sun. They are curious and will approach to within about 1.5m, but they rarely come closer. Their claws and tail leave a very distinct track in the soft white sand.

At the south end of the beach near one of larger cuts through the Exuma Cays beach rock is abundant. This is very beach sand that has been cemented and solidified very thickly and has embedded in it shell fragments and corals.

The vegetation is stunted and dramatic the way the roots and trunks are twisted and wind their way around rocks, and other plants. They are beautiful examples of the “Art of Nature” that surrounds us. During the swim back to Oh! I encountered several Lion fish and a very interesting crab that closes itself up in its own shell. If it is threatened it literally buries itself in the sand within seconds. The crab was the size of a small loaf of bread.

Cheers from Oh!

Posted in Blog.