Bermudian Christmas

Bermuda is a beautiful group of islands. The topography is mostly low rolling hills that are covered in lush green foliage and tropical flowers. The contrast with the turquoise and blue waters on a sunny day is spectacular. Add to the beautiful setting the warm and welcoming people and Bermuda is a tropical paradise that is uniquely blessed. I have particularly enjoyed talking with the locals who seem to enjoy conversation with us as Oh!’s crew travel about by bus. Bermuda is well known for its efficient and clean pink public buses that serve the islands. They make exploring Bermuda safe, affordable and easy. It is a treat to just ride the buses and enjoy the endless views and tropical beauty of the islands.

During the day St. George’s is fun to explore. You can participate in the historical reenactment of the dunking being handed out to a nagging wife while listening to the Town Crier as he documents her charges and punishment. However, as bad as her punishment may seem today, it is much better than the men would have received. Their’s was usually several days in the stock while the town’s people threw all kinds of liquids and nasty excrement at them. So…ladies, at least your punishment would have been short and warm clean water!

At Christmas time the town of Saint George’s features a number of festivals. There are outdoor performances by high school groups, bands, dance troops singers, the Royal Bermuda Regiment band and they are all hosted by the town crier.

It’s a beautiful town to walk around during the day and at night it comes alive with all the Christmas lights.

During the festival many homes are opened for tours and businesses stay open late catering to the crowds that come from all over Bermuda to celebrate the season. A favourite was the 400 year old Anglican Church that features some of its original wood beams still supporting its massive roof. A beautiful example of craftsmanship and that has lasted centuries. The church bake sale was also a huge draw fir Captain Rod, alias the cookie monster!

The natural beauty of Bermuda is every where you look. The islands are clean and lush with abundant tropical flowers and natural wonders like the spectacular Crystal Caves.

Hamilton, the capital is also decorated and fun to explore, however as the business hub and much larger center of Bermuda, it doesn’t have the same concentration of lights, Christmas festivity and charm that St. Georges has. However, it was still a visual treat to explore.

We are just about to leave for our 900 nmi. passage to St. Martin. However, before Oh! cleared customs to depart I wanted to share some pictures of the beautiful island of Bermuda all decked out for Christmas.

A breakfast of hazelnut coffee, fresh cinnamon buns and oatmeal started the day as we waited for the cold front to pass.

Now it is time to say goodbye, clear out and set sail for St. Martin!

Warm wishes to everyone for a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!

From Oh!

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