A Passage From Martinique to the BVI’s

Oh! has been in the BVI’s now for 11 days and it has been a whirl wind of activity, new friends, guests and cruising in a true boating paradise. The passage from Martinique was a lot of fun. Andy ( who sailed on Oh! from Norfolk to Bermuda in November) returned to spend a few weeks thawing out from the Alberta winter and we had a great time. Hiking, snorkelling, sailing and touring the islands along the way.

The trade winds were strong, the sailing was excellent and the company superb. Andy’s voyage ended with a few extra days to spend getting a taste of the BVI highlights and the islands didn’t disappoint us. Despite the massive hurricane damages three years ago, the BVI’s are recovering nicely. Many of the resorts and tourist / sailing hotspots are restored and in many cases even better. It was wonderful to see smiling faces among the hard working locals and prosperity returning…as well as the much needed tourist traffic visiting these beautiful islands.

Places like Soper’s Hole at West End on Tortola suffered slmost unimaginable damage. However, it is well on its way to being fully restored with the colourful buildings, excellent docks and great food now ready for visiting yachts. The marine life is still spectacular and the snorkelling is among the best in the eastern Caribbean.

I an really looking forward to spending a few more weeks exploring the BVI.

Cheers, from the incredible British Virgin Islands.


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