About the Lifestyle

If you are a sailor, or adventurer, chances are at some point you have dreamed of exploring the world by boat. Maybe you are doing that right now. My dreams of sailing the oceans were sparked by reading “Dove” by Robin Lee Graham. This account of a 16 year old boy sailing his 24ft sloop “Dove” around the world was published in 1972. At that time I was 15, full of ambition and eager to travel and explore the world. The pull of the sea has been with me ever since. Despite a lifelong desire to discover the world by sailing, there has also been an equal sense of anxiety. There are so many unknowns. A small sampling of these are…


  • Would I enjoy it?
  • Would I meet friends and have a community to share with as I travel?
  • What kind of boat should I choose?
  • How would I afford it?
  • There was so much I needed to learn, where do I start?
  • How do I stay in touch with family and friends?

It can all seem overwhelming. Fortunately, now there are organizations like the Blue Water Cruising Association and others that support members with mentorship, training and inspiration to help address these concerns. Also, there is the internet, an endless resource that didn’t even exist back when I was just dreaming about it.

But what about actually getting out there on a boat and doing it? Some people simply buy a boat, get a few quick sailing lessons and just go. Others, take a more cautious and considered route training and learning as much as they can before making their dream a reality. For some, it simply remains a dream.

How do you sample that dream?

Join me and together we can discover how you can make it happen.

Rod can be contacted by clicking here