Rod Morris – Leopard 40 Catamaran Oh! First published in Bluewater Currents Magazine Dec. 6, 2019 Every journey begins with a single step – and so does another adventure for Oh!. After spending the summer back in Canada, I returned to Annapolis on Oct 4th, to prepare Oh! for another 18 month circuit of […]
Author Archive: Rod
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit, Part 9 – The Canary Islands
The land was stark. As Oh! approached the anchorage at the south end of Graciosa Island, the only colours we could see were earth tones of sandy beige, brown rocks and steep sandstone cliffs. Other than the blue of the sea and sky, the yachts quietly sitting at anchor provided the only colourful hi-lights. As […]
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit, Part 8 – The Madeira Islands
The arrival was dramatic. The evening sunlight was rapidly being occluded by an approaching squall that was overtaking us. The sunlit cliffs of Santos Island created a forbidding back drop to the rolling swell, white caps and slowly increasing speed of the wind as we raced ahead of the squall to our destination. The […]
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit Part 7 – An Azores Summer; Terceira, San Miquel and Santa Maria.
The winds of time are ever changing – and so does the weather in the Azores as fall approaches. It was September 14, 2018 and as the saying goes “every cloud has a silver lining”. In our case, the looming late season weather patterns meant most cruising yachts had left the Azores. That meant we […]
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit Part 6 – An Azores Summer; Pico, São Jorge and Graciosa
Cruising in the Azores archipelago just seems to get better with each passing day. Every island is unique and yet they share so many basic traits that make exploring these islands a delight. The common threads are the people – who I found to be genuinely warm and welcoming throughout the islands; excellent infrastructure that […]
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit Part 5 – An Azores Summer; Corvo, Flores and Faial
It was late in the afternoon on July 23rd and there was only a few hours of sunlight left. Ahead, rising steeply out of the sea was the first land seen in 13 days. The northwestern cliffs of the Azores Islands of Corvo and Flores towered above the foaming waves breaking at their bases. The […]
Postcards from an Atlantic Circuit Part 4 – A Solo Trans-Atlantic Passage From Bermuda to Flores, Azores Islands
Caption: All smiles, blue skies and great sailing from Bermuda to the Azores. One of the best feelings at sea is the slowly building warmth of the morning sun. It just feels good. It is also the time I check my IridiumGo! for new messages and get a weather update. I am […]
Postcards from a Caribbean Winter – Part 3, The Bahamas
Postcards from a Caribbean Winter – Part 3, The Bahamas For the past 3 winters we have been sailing Oh!, a 40’ Leopard catamaran throughout the eastern Caribbean. The cruising area we get to enjoy on each of these voyages has ranged from Grenada all the way to Beaufort, North Carolina. During those voyages I […]
Moving Ahead
Work is being completed and we’re looking forward to another season sailing in the Caribbean. So far this summer Oh! has had new rudder bearings and all sea cocks and through hulls replaced. Also, new bronze cones have been received to replace the worn cones on the folding propellers. A new mainsail is being crafted […]
Postcards from a Caribbean Winter – Part 2, Monserrat, Saba and the British Virgin Islands (BVI)
First Published in Bluewater Currents Magazine Dec 2018 Also published in Sail-World Cruising Dec. 2018 For the past 3 winters we have been sailing Oh!, a 40’ Leopard catamaran throughout the eastern Caribbean. The cruising area we get to enjoy on each of these voyages has ranged from Grenada all the way to Beaufort, North […]